Terry's Angels
Each year during the holidays, Terry’s Angels, originally comprised of six local women, delivers over 200 gift bags to moms in need who bring their children to Overlook Hospital’s HealthStart Clinic. Last year, in addition to these gift bags, over $4,000 in Shoprite Gift cards were delivered - $2,000+ from general donations and $2,000 from Christ Child Society of Summit!
For many of these moms, these gift bags are the only gifts they will receive during the holidays. According to the social worker at the clinic, food insecurity continues to be a big problem for many of the families, therefore Shoprite gift cards are once again included on our donation list to be distributed to the neediest families.
Christ Child Society of Summit, a local 5013C organization whose mission is to serve children and families in need in the Summit Area, also delivers layettes and toddler clothing to the HealthStart Clinic throughout the year. The synergy between the two programs is evident, which is why CCS Summit has offered to take Terry’s Angels into its fold so that Terry’s legacy can be kept alive.
This program, though, still needs your help with donations!